Sunday, September 27, 2009

Couples who Create

Stacey and I visited the Center for the Visual Arts in Denton yesterday to see a wonderful exhibition of couples who create art.

Don R Schol at left and Terri Thornton under announcement. It was nice seeing Terri's work again. It is ashame that we don't see her work more often.

Cameron Schoepp

Faith Scott Jessup and Robert Jessup

Matt Hawthorne

Mary Emma Hawthorn

Vincent Falsetta

Martha Falsetta

Harlan Butt and Robin Butt
Martha Falsetta and Vincent Falsetta
Matt awthorne and Mary Emma Hawthorne
Faith Scott Jessup and Robert Jessup
Terri Thornton and Cameron Schoepp
Don Schol and Pam Burnley-Schol
Mark Smith and Corky Stuckenbruck
Laurie Weller and Gary Washmon

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