Although my trip to Houston was short, I saw this great exhibition by Michel Letko at the RedBud Gallery on 11th Street in the Heights. I felt as though I had stumbled across a science lab experiment that may have gone bad.
Right next door I met Dan Mitchell Allison who gave me a quick tour of the
Texas Collaborative Arts Studio as well as a tour of his new gallery
Naü-haus Gallery where Perry House's exhibition "Happyville" was on display.
From the Naü-haus Gallery website:For Perry House the Happyville series is another version of Vanitas. "The neighborhoods are still-lifes in a way. They are in transition like everything in our lives." The traditional vanitas painting was popular in the Netherlands in the early 1600's and contains collections of objects symbolic of the inevitability of death and the transience and vanity of earthly achievements and pleasures.
In Perry House's latest body of work the colors are indeed joyful, there is plenty of perspective, with recognizable architectural elements not evident in earlier works even while the world and worldly things are floating away and the happiness precious but fleeting. (courtesy DMA Nau-haus 2009)
I also stopped by
G Gallery next door to RedBud which featured a group exhibition titled "TRANSFUSION". This exhibition featured the new "Associate Professors" for the World Famous University of Houston School of Art. Artists include; Margarita Cabrera, Sculpture, Jillian Conrad, Sculpture, Abinadi Meza, Photography and Digital Media. Introduction by Sandra Zalman Professor of Art History